TOHH Child Sponsorship
~ Tree of Hope Haiti has a vision to see every child in the Grand-Goave community enrolled in School. ~

For $40 a month YOU can open the door to a better life for a child and their entire family!
The Child Sponsorship Program covers:
Tuition, which includes a school meal
access to free health and dental care
School textbooks
School uniform material
Easter Vacation Bible School
Two sponsorship parties
(Easter and End of Summer, including food)
Birthday parties
Summer camp program
Yearly progress update letter from your child
Child sponsorship operational costs
Tuition, which includes a school meal
access to free health and dental care
School textbooks
School uniform material
Easter Vacation Bible School
Two sponsorship parties
(Easter and End of Summer, including food)
Birthday parties
Summer camp program
Yearly progress update letter from your child
Child sponsorship operational costs